How to Connect Visual Studio Code with VPS Servers to Run Commands and Modify Files

How to Connect Visual Studio Code with VPS Servers to Run Commands and Modify Files
How to Connect Visual Studio Code with VPS Servers to Run Commands and Modify Files

In this tutorial, we will show you how you connect VSCode with VPS servers and be able to quickly connect to your server, modify files and run commands. VSCode is a very developer-friendly tool. If you’re planning on changing many files or running commands on the server, we recommend following this tutorial and connecting to your server via VSCode.

How to:

  • Install VSCode (Here is a guide to how to install it)
  • Install Remote Development Plugin
  • Go into Remote Explorer and configure your servers
  • Once configured, go into Remote Explorer again; you should see all of your servers
  • Connect by right-clicking and clicking on connect
  • If you’ve used password configuration, you will be asked to enter your SSH password to connect to the server.
  • You can also configure SSH keys so that it’ll automatically connect without requiring passwords.